Printable Tulips Flower Craft for Kids

This tutorial will show you how to make a Spring Flower Craft that is perfect to practice cutting and glueing with your toddler. You can use our handy printable template available to our subscriber to make the process even smoother. Sign up with our mailing list to get access to this printable as well as many more amazing printables.
Lets get crafting
1. Print our flower template on 4 different color papers, our flower stem template onto one color paper.
2. Cut out all templates.
3. Fold all flower buds in half.
4. Add glue on one half.
5. Now, add another flower to the glued site.
6. Fold the leaves.
7. Glue the stem onto paper.
8. Glue the flower bud on top of the stem.
9. And finish is your Spring Flower Craft.
Note: Get the whole set in our members area as well as many more amazing printables. With new printables added on weekly basis you will never run out of fun things to do with your kids.